Monday, December 31, 2012

Recommendations for cheap cures put to test

Live healthy and long

My wife had fever and then complained of back aches yesterday.  I suggested oil and noni leaves heated and pasted over the affected area.  Then the accupressure at the tip of the fingers and the aching area.

Yesterday the whole day, she was on bed.

It was good she did not take pain killer.  From my observation today, she is much better. Thanks to home and cheap cures, researched for the cheap cures blog... She is now up and watching TV

More progress report:    her shoulder became painful too and very painful.  She cried from the pain.  She said my cheap cure did not work at all on her shoulder.

Yesterday evening, she asked me to employ the noni leaves again because her back pain was entirely gone.  I hope she is cured of her shoulder pain today - completely


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