Cancer is a top killer (1, 200,000 would be diagnosed with Cancer and half of them would succumb to cancer) and has made many widows and orphan. Here is a book that will give you guidelines on how to Fight cancer and win Some of the cures come from food, fruits, vegetables and other food supplements found in the house. The eggplant could be used to treat skin cancer.
What is the real cancer killer? It is not cancer at all. It is called cachexia ie that of cancer cells eating off other cells. If we could only stop this process..
Dr Joseph Gold, a retired US Air Force doctor found out how... There is a cheap substance called HZ HZ does the following: 1. Keeps cancer from growing 2. Reverses tomorrow growth 3. Shrinks tumor to 1/2 the original size. But Dr. Joseph Gold discovery of HZ has been buried and govt regulators have something to do with this - keeping natural cancer cures away from public eye, and pharma synthezing chemicals to mimic action of natural ingredients. ( The truth about HZ therapy) It was indicated that govt agencies have reversed the findings on HS, and their conclusions are inaccurate.
The Syracuse Cancer Research Institute founded by Dr. Joseph Gould and the Russian scientists in 1975, under the joints US-USSR agreements totalling 17 years of studies, and 10 years of Harbor UCLA studies have shown that of the one million late stage, refractory cases, more than half a million would have symptomatic improvement and 400,000 would have more than 10 years of survival and 5 to 10% complete survival rate and this better than 3% cure rate of chemo.
There are other secrets to treating cancer 1. The tea that repels cancer 2. the vitamin cancer repelling ingredient in apricot kernels (hey too much of that is poisonous) 3. cancer obliterating mushrooms, 4. 250 times stronger than chemo natural food anti cancer.
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