NewsmaxHealth - Dr. Fuhrman reveals 3 foods you should eat everyday October 24, 2013

Dr. Joel Fuhrman, a family doctor and nutritionist told in his book "Eat to Live", that we should at least 3 foods to live healthy: vegetables, beans and onions to live healthy and ward off cancer. We should look at the kitchen pantry rather than medicine cabinet to live healthy and strong. The three nutrient rich foods can ward off cancer and other diseases.
He advocates a nutritarian diet, rich in vegetables, low in meat protein bread and pasta.
He explains diet rich in micronutrients under the acronym: GBOMBS are rich in minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients and they are powerful anti cancer agents in our diet.
Berries and
vs foods rich in macronutrients: fats, carbohydrates, and animal proteins.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman, a family doctor and nutritionist told in his book "Eat to Live", that we should at least 3 foods to live healthy: vegetables, beans and onions to live healthy and ward off cancer. We should look at the kitchen pantry rather than medicine cabinet to live healthy and strong. The three nutrient rich foods can ward off cancer and other diseases.
He advocates a nutritarian diet, rich in vegetables, low in meat protein bread and pasta.
He explains diet rich in micronutrients under the acronym: GBOMBS are rich in minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients and they are powerful anti cancer agents in our diet.
Berries and
vs foods rich in macronutrients: fats, carbohydrates, and animal proteins.

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