Drink your coffee early in the morning. Not late in the afternoon. Late in the afternoon coffee forces cortisol into your body which leads to:
and even sex drive.
Drink coffee early on to stimulate you just right
From: Discovery Health Publishing <support@xfactorrevolution.com>
Date: Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 9:47 PM
Subject: The Secret to a "Safe" Cup of Coffee
From Univesity Herald - the best time to drink coffee is between 930 to 1130 am
From the Blaze, study by Steve Miller a neuroscientist; and related to the study of chronopharmacology (ie level of cortisol level during the day following the circadian rhythm)
And I'm not alone. In fact, an astounding 80% of Americans use the caffeine in coffee to boost their energy. But here's the thing... if you drink too much throughout the day, coffee's energy lift can boomerang on you. Here's what I mean. If you keep drinking into the afternoon, the coffee you rely on for energy may actually be making you MORE tired. Eventually that can lead to anxiety and burnout. I'll explain how that happens in a minute. But let's put this in context. There are great reasons to enjoy coffee. For one thing, it's full of antioxidants. And researchers have identified over 1,000 other compounds in coffee that promote health. Today I'll let you in on my secret to safely indulging in coffee's pleasures. And I'll show you how to get the health benefits while avoiding the downside. You see, I recently discovered that WHEN you drink coffee might be more important than HOW MUCH you drink.
Caffeine Puts You In a State of High Anxiety
When you're fatigued you naturally look for a stimulant to energize you. If you take a shot of caffeine it stimulates your adrenal glands to release the stress hormone, cortisol. That's your fight or flight hormone. Cortisol tells your body there is an emergency NOW. It alerts all systems to get ready for action - either running for your life or defending yourself to the death. And it releases a huge energy boost in the form of sugar to get you through this life-or-death situation. In other words, caffeine activates your stress hormone, and releases blood sugar. Now if you drink a steady stream of caffeine throughout the day, your adrenal glands are constantly pumping out cortisol. That keeps your body in a steady state of high alert. And that can take a real toll on your organs and other systems. You see, when cortisol levels are high, all of your energy and blood flow shifts to your muscles. Your heart beats harder and faster. But your body shuts down other "non-essential operations" like digestion. Studies show that over time, chronically elevated cortisol lowers your immunity. It also makes you anxious and disrupts your sleep. Your food cravings spike and weight gain increases. High cortisol levels also accelerate the aging process and kill your sex drive. All of that adds up to more fatigue and exhaustion, not the energy you were looking for. But don't worry. You don't have to give up coffee. Here's what to do.
Drink Coffee When The Time Is Right
The secret to enjoying coffee without too many of the harmful effects is all in the timing. You see, cortisol levels have a natural daily cycle. Your body releases cortisol in the morning to get you moving. It's a kind of survival tactic. As your cortisol levels gently rise in the morning to wake you up, your liver gets the signal to release stored blood sugar. Now you have energy to get going in the morning. The same thing happens when you drink caffeine and raise cortisol. The secret is drinking coffee when the effects of caffeine are in line with your body's natural release of cortisol. As the day wears on, your cortisol levels naturally decrease. But if you continue to drink caffeine after 12 noon, you'll be fighting your body's natural rhythm. In the afternoon, drinking caffeine will force more cortisol into your bloodstream. It's this unnatural surge of cortisol late in the day that can trigger all the negative health effects. So you don't have to give up caffeine. Enjoy it in the morning. If you really love coffee and want to drink it later in the day, switch to decaf after noon to keep your body aligned with its natural daily cycle.
Wishing you strength and vitality,
Jason Kennedy |
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