Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Flouridated antibiotics are the world's most dangerous?

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola

  A certain class of antibiotics known as  flourquinolones, flouridated antibiotics and they are associated with the following side effects: retinal detachment, kidney problems, ruprtured tendons,  Others:   (not included in the warning labels)  infection by staphyloccus aureus,  injury to CNS, gastrointestinal problems, phototoxicity, altered blood sugar metabolism,  liver problems, kidney problems.

 Such antibiotics have been subject of 2,000 lawsuits.  The brand names include:   Avelox, Cipro, and Levaquin.  Antibiotics in general disturb intestinal flora.   There are good and beneficial microbes in the gut and must be preserved.

 Some suggestions to lessen use of antibiotics and preserve gut flora: . Eat fermented foods as yogurt,  natto, tempee, kimchee.  The benefits of fermented foods: l.  Presence of Vit K 2 2.  Boost immune system 3.  Are chelation, detox agents; 4,  Are cost effective;  contains l00x more probiotics than commercial probiotics.  Read more on fermented food to preserve intestinal flora


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