Thursday, March 7, 2013

Probiotic for better intestinal health and immune system

Live healthy and long

Free Video by Dr. David Brownstein on probiotic 

Probiotics are important in helping maintain a healthy balance between good and bad bacteria.  About a 100 trillion bacteria reside in our intestines:   Lactobacillus in small intestines, and bifidobaccillus in large intestine - the friendly bacteria.    They weigh about 2 to 3 lbs and some say they are an additional body organ.  The unfriendly bacteria may be about l5% of the total bacteria population but are kept in check by friendly bacteria.

When the unfriendly bacteria gains dominance, the patient experience intestinal problems:  diarrhea, discomfort, bloating, etc.  About a 100 million Americans (such a large number may have have discomfort.

Taking with probiotic with antibiotic is good since one of SE of antibiotics is diarrhea (they kill good and bad bacteria alike)  Risk of diarhhea is diminished with probiotic.

Probiotic also helps strengthen the body's immune system.

The elderly in particular experience lower bifidobaccilus population.  Therefore probiotics are needed. Watch this free video to improve your intestinal health and know more about probiotics


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