Saturday, March 30, 2013

Study shows eating soy extends survival rate of lung cancer victims

Live healthy and long

From NewsMaxHealth | March 26, 2013 

In a study conducted by Dr. Gong Yang of women in Shanghai, published in March 25, 2013 issue of Journal of Clinical Oncology , eating soy products lengthened survival periods of such women diagnosed with lung cancer. Dr. Yang is a research associate professor of medicine in the Department of Epedimiology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville (This conflicts with earlier findings that soy could be carcinogenic since they contain xenoestrogens)

Lung cancer is the leading cause of death among women in the world.  Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of cancer in the US.

According to Dr. Joyti Patel,associate professor of medicine at Robert H. Laurie comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwesten UniversityFeinberg School of Medicine in Chicago,  soy contains isoflavinoids that slow down growth of cancer cells (SERM - selective estrogen modulators) similar to cancer fighting drug tamoxifen.  Patel suggests that there are estrogen receptors in the development of lung cancer (this supports the John Beard theory of cancer)

The study was collaborated by Vanderbilt University, National Cancer Institute, and Shanghai Cancer Institute


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