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From: Fred Pescatore, MD <drfred@logicalhealthalternatives.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 8:45 PM
Subject: Reality Health Check - Artificial intelligence
From: Fred Pescatore, MD <drfred@logicalhealthalternatives.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 8:45 PM
Subject: Reality Health Check - Artificial intelligence
This week in the RHC Please add drfred@logicalhealthalternatives.com to your address book. Can't view this email? |
RHC #325 | Why am I getting this? |
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Help maintain healthy BLOOD SUGAR with this 475-year old remedy | |
After centuries spent in obscurity, this ancient remedy has finally made a comeback... Somehow it remained a secret for generations. But once it was rediscovered, researchers went to work quickly exploring its many potential benefits. And it certainly didn't disappoint. But while everyone has focused on the latest herbal darlings, unfortunately, this healing elixir has been left by the wayside...given little of the attention it deserves...until now. You see, it turns out that what could be one of the biggest secrets to helping maintain healthy blood sugar already within the normal range has been growing on the Legendary Tree of Life for centuries. And thanks to the groundbreaking work of one of today's pre-eminent authorities on obesity and blood sugar, you can now put it to work for you | |
Artificial intelligence | |
Dear Reader, Too often, my patients assume that artificially sweetened soda is the lesser of two evils. And it's easy to see how they'd make this mistake. It's called "diet" soda, after all. But the lack of calories doesn't make it less dangerous. And in reality, nothing could be further from the truth. As part of a recently published study, researchers followed just over 66,000 French women between 1993 and 2007. During this time, participants reported their intake of both sugar-sweetened and artificially-sweetened beverages. The women averaged about 11 ounces of sugary drinks and 19 ounces of artificially sweetened drinks per week. And researchers found that those subjects with the highest consumption of either were at a significantly increased risk of type 2 diabetes. In fact, women who consumed more than 20 ounces of artificially sweetened beverages per week fared even worse than their sugar-drinking counterparts--facing more than double the risk. Just to give you some perspective, that adds up to a little less than two cans of Diet Coke. And not per day, either. Per week. I don't know how many more times I have to say it. Soda is poison, regardless of how you sweeten it. If you want something fizzy, stick with sparkling water. Period. | |
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Shake up your weight loss efforts with the help of a healthy protein drink! | |
Protein shakes aren't just for body-building "meat heads" anymore. From promoting increased satiety to a healthy immune system and better blood sugar balance...and of course increased muscle growth... protein shakes can help supplement a healthy diet to promote a long and vibrant life--especially when it comes in the form of a high-quality whey protein concentrate. But word of whey protein's benefits is spreading so fast...there's an actual world-wide shortage due to skyrocketing demand! So don't delay, stock up on Dr. Pescatore's high-quality WheyLogic now! Start receiving your own copy of the Reality Health Check. Or forward this e-mail to a friend so they can sign-up to receive their own copy of the Reality Health Check. | |
And in the meantime... | |
Here's what else we talked about this week in the Reality Health Check: | |
Poison control A couple of weeks ago, I shared some details about the FDA's new Food Safety Modernization Act. Well, in what reads a timely homage to this overdue legislation, the CDC has released a few food safety guidelines of its own... Chemical soup Pathogens aren't the only factors that can make your food poisonous. In fact, the meal that you're eating is only as safe as the dish it's served in. That's the takeaway of one new study appearing in the Journal of the American Medical Association... Mid-life crisis I never watched television as a child. I was one of those snobby, inner-city kids who had more important things to do than watch TV. These days, however, I can't get enough of it. So it pains me to type these next few sentences. But I'm going to do it anyway... Sunny deficient The current vitamin D deficiency epidemic is linked, among other things, to both diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Luckily, though, research shows that overweight teens can avoid this fate. And replenishing their vitamin D stores might be an important part of the process... Eat to live Contrary to what conventional "wisdom" dictates, diet does have an influence on the progression of cancer. And in this area, my mentor Dr. Robert Atkins was truly a pioneer. Which is why I'm thrilled to see that, yet again, his work will be vindicated... Setting the record straight Last week, I told you all about the embarrassingly bad advice that passes for U.S. News and World Report's most recent collection of the "Best Diabetes Diets." The sheer ignorance of these rankings is frightening. So I'd like to settle this issue today with a little bit of real science... Until next week, Dr. Fred Source: "Consumption of artificially and sugar-sweetened beverages and incident type 2 diabetes in the Etude Epidémiologique auprès des femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale-European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort" Am J Clin Nutr. 2013 Jan 30. Subscribe to my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives, and receive all 8 of my Lifesaving Special Reports, absolutely FREE. Visit our website, LogicalHealthAlternatives.com, to view our newest products and to check out our special offers. Online ordering is fast, convenient and secure. | |
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