Friday, January 11, 2013

Important articles on cheap and alternative cancer cures - unread

Live healthy and long

This site has very recent well researched articles on alternative, natural, and cheap cure for cancer, ie that of using digestive enzymes to arrest growth of cancer.  The articles featured the experience of the very own Dr. Dy Liacco from Wellness Counsellor blog, the articles of Drs. Kelly and Gonzalez on the same topic.

Cheap cures post on Dr. Kelly cancer protocol

The recommended regimen are:

l.  Diet (less protein more raw food) to unload the pancreas

2.  Detox

3.  Spiritual healing

4.  Use of digestive enzymes --even raw pancreas

The posts have been largely ignored, unread by readers. Probably because it deals with a difficult issue?  But it is something that people must be aware of because it has become one of the 5 top causes of mortality;   mainstream cure is only 6%;    Dr Liacco found the cure rate here and as published between 97 -100%!!!

Would you not hitch your life to the 97 -100% cure rate?


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