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Prescription drugs -- without a prescription
Who needs a doctor when you have drug commercials?
It used to be that a patient would tell his doctor what was wrong, and the doctor would come up with a diagnosis and a treatment based on those symptoms, and some tests.
These days, it's the other way around: A patient sees a commercial for a drug and says, "I need that!" Then, he marches into his doctor's office and demands a prescription.
In theory, that extra step -- going to the doctor's office -- is supposed to stop people from self-medicating and taking drugs they don't need, too many drugs, or dangerous drugs without a doctor to keep an eye on things.
In reality, once a patient asks for a drug he usually gets it. Usually, but not always -- and it drives the drug industry nuts that at least some patients are being stopped by stick-in-the-mud doctors who worry about little things like health, safety, side effects, and necessity.
They want patients to be able to skip the middleman in the white jacket and get drugs on their own -- without a prescription.
And right now, that drug-industry dream is about to become a reality. Under a nightmarish new plan, supposedly from the FDA, statins, diabetes drugs, asthma meds, and more could all be available over the counter.
I say "supposedly" because I don't believe for a moment that the agency came up with this out of the clear blue sky. Behind the scenes, you can bet the drug industry has been pushing for this -- and pushing hard.
Them, and insurance companies. Since insurers don't usually cover over-the-counter meds, this could save them billions (and cause patients who really need those meds to pay more than ever).
The fact that the FDA is now actually proposing it should tell you everything you need to know about who really calls the shots in Washington.
After all, no one else is clamoring for this. I haven't heard a patient yet say he wished he had easier access to statins.
And doctors hate the idea. The American Medical Association even testified against it at an FDA hearing, and not just because docs could lose money if patients no longer need to come in for office visits to get prescriptions.
It's because they'll be the ones left picking up the pieces when patients make bad drug choices -- something that's bound to happen when they're choosing medicines based on TV commercials.
Something BAD is hiding in your intestines -- But you can help fix it in just 7 seconds a day...
If you suffer from occasional gas, bloating, indigestion or digestive discomfort -- there IS something you can do about it...
When my patients come to me with these kinds of complaints, there's one simple secret I rely on to give unbeatable digestive support -- and it can do the same for you...
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You're slowly being poisoned
Want a shock? Go get tested for heavy metals. Your jaw will drop when you see the results.
I know, because I see the reactions in my own clinic every single day.
The reality is, nearly everyone has way too much lead, mercury, arsenic, and other toxic heavy metals inside them -- and these metals are a major cause of supposedly incurable conditions.
I say "supposedly" because I often can cure or improve them, and I'll tell you everything you need to know to get started on your own cure in a moment.
First, a new study confirms the role of toxic heavy metals in autoimmune disease -- especially among women battling disorders such as thyroid disease, MS, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and lupus.
Researchers examined data on 2,047 women who took part in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and compared blood levels of mercury to the presence of the autoantibodies made by the thyroid in response to autoimmune diseases.
Sure enough, women with the highest blood levels of mercury were more than twice as likely to have high levels of the thyroglobulin antibody linked to those diseases.
Now, you've probably heard that we all get exposed to metals, and that's true. It's almost impossible to avoid them completely.
But you've probably also heard that the tiny levels we're routinely exposed to -- like the mercury in flu shots and amalgam dental fillings -- are harmless, and that's an out- and-out falsehood.
Want proof? Look no further than the same new study, because the "high" levels of mercury linked to those high levels of the thyroglobulin autoantibody weren't high by current standards at all.
In fact, they were under 5 micrograms of mercury per liter -- or well in line with what the mainstream considers "safe."
You see, no amount of mercury, lead or other heavy metals is really safe. How do I know that? Simple: There's no known healthy function in the human body for these metals!
If you suspect exposure to mercury or any other heavy metal, it's not enough to find the source and eliminate it. Heavy metals don't leave the body like other toxins. They accumulate -- and the more they accumulate, the sicker you get.
The best way to rid your body of mercury and other toxic heavy metals is through chelation, but don't try any of the do-it-yourself treatments that reach the market from time to time.
An experienced holistic doctor can test you for metals and provide you with the chelation therapy needed to remove anything that's accumulated -- and if you have thyroid disease, that's another reason to get tested for these metals.
If you would like testing and treatment for these disease-causing metals, you can contact my Stengler Center for Integrative Medicine. You can find more information by visiting markstengler.com.
God bless, Dr. Mark Stengler |
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