---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joe Barton <support@bartonpublishing.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 5:05 AM
Subject: This Will Keep Acid Reflux From Flaring Up...
You are receiving this message, because you have subscribed to the reflux_exit
newsletter on Friday, March 9th, 2012. To ensure that you continue to receive emails
from us, add support@bartonpublishing.com to your address book promptly.
Hi, Jorge
A few days ago, I briefly shared with you
how heartburn and acid reflux affected my Dad's life personally
and it's the sole reason why I'm so eager to provide you
with the relief that you've been wanting for so long….
But my prime motivation is to keep you from having to go
through the same thing that he did while suffering with
these symptoms.
You see, in 1976, my dad almost died during stomach surgery
from bleeding ulcers. It was the worst feeling that he had
ever felt in his life.
The choking on stomach acid, sleeping on what seemed like 13
pillows at night, and the burning feeling that he felt in
his esophagus every day didn't some close to the feeling he felt
in that hospital bed fighting for his life.
And if you're suffering from heartburn and acid reflux
symptoms, you don't seek proper treatment, then you'll
be at risk for the same fate.
But before you run out and buy an antacid, here's
something you should know….
Antacids (such as Pepcid, Zantac, Tagamet, Rolaids,
and Tums) only mask the underlying problem of your
heartburn or acid reflux.
Here's why:
Most antacids contain excessive amounts of minerals
such as Sodium, Aluminum, Calcium, and Magnesium.
Excessive mineral imbalances can be very harmful, leading
to cancer, hypertension or even Alzheimer's Disease.
I'm sure that you don't want to run the risk of complicating
symptoms in which can be eliminated naturally and in a
safe way. And you'll be able to do just that once you say
yes to the...
Heartburn And Acid Reflux Remedy Report
This unique report explains how you can cure
your acid reflux, heartburn, bile reflux, esophageal reflux, and
even hiatal hernia, using one of three different safe, natural
remedies that we have discovered. These three natural
remedies have been proven to work thousands of times by our
customers... quickly (within minutes), safely (no side effects),
and without drugs.
Just Listen To This Real Life Testimonial And You'll
See That It Really Works….
"I have Barrett's Esophagus. I've suffered from it for
about 2-3 years on and off. I am currently on the purple
pill, one a day. Your remedy helped when I recently had
a stomach virus, which seemed to make the heartburn
almost an all day event.Only Pepto Bismol and Alkaseltzer
took the symptoms completely away temporarily until
I tried your remedy."
-Roger Nishimoto Denver, CO
Roger is just one of hundreds of satisfied customers,
but really, I'm not asking you to believe Roger…I'm not
asking you to believe me! All I'm suggesting… is that
you give it a try.
To try the Heartburn and Acid Reflux Remedy Report
NOW, risk-free, click here:
Yours for drug-free & pain-free health,
Joe Barton
Maintain healthy, trouble-free digestion And Support health
and functioning throughout the entire digestive tract.
Unsubscribe or change contact details: http://www.bartonremedies.com/unsubscribe.html?x=a62e&m=RE8x&s=XGvdg&y=T&
From: Joe Barton <support@bartonpublishing.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 5:05 AM
Subject: This Will Keep Acid Reflux From Flaring Up...
You are receiving this message, because you have subscribed to the reflux_exit
newsletter on Friday, March 9th, 2012. To ensure that you continue to receive emails
from us, add support@bartonpublishing.com to your address book promptly.
Hi, Jorge
A few days ago, I briefly shared with you
how heartburn and acid reflux affected my Dad's life personally
and it's the sole reason why I'm so eager to provide you
with the relief that you've been wanting for so long….
But my prime motivation is to keep you from having to go
through the same thing that he did while suffering with
these symptoms.
You see, in 1976, my dad almost died during stomach surgery
from bleeding ulcers. It was the worst feeling that he had
ever felt in his life.
The choking on stomach acid, sleeping on what seemed like 13
pillows at night, and the burning feeling that he felt in
his esophagus every day didn't some close to the feeling he felt
in that hospital bed fighting for his life.
And if you're suffering from heartburn and acid reflux
symptoms, you don't seek proper treatment, then you'll
be at risk for the same fate.
But before you run out and buy an antacid, here's
something you should know….
Antacids (such as Pepcid, Zantac, Tagamet, Rolaids,
and Tums) only mask the underlying problem of your
heartburn or acid reflux.
Here's why:
Most antacids contain excessive amounts of minerals
such as Sodium, Aluminum, Calcium, and Magnesium.
Excessive mineral imbalances can be very harmful, leading
to cancer, hypertension or even Alzheimer's Disease.
I'm sure that you don't want to run the risk of complicating
symptoms in which can be eliminated naturally and in a
safe way. And you'll be able to do just that once you say
yes to the...
Heartburn And Acid Reflux Remedy Report
This unique report explains how you can cure
your acid reflux, heartburn, bile reflux, esophageal reflux, and
even hiatal hernia, using one of three different safe, natural
remedies that we have discovered. These three natural
remedies have been proven to work thousands of times by our
customers... quickly (within minutes), safely (no side effects),
and without drugs.
Just Listen To This Real Life Testimonial And You'll
See That It Really Works….
"I have Barrett's Esophagus. I've suffered from it for
about 2-3 years on and off. I am currently on the purple
pill, one a day. Your remedy helped when I recently had
a stomach virus, which seemed to make the heartburn
almost an all day event.Only Pepto Bismol and Alkaseltzer
took the symptoms completely away temporarily until
I tried your remedy."
-Roger Nishimoto Denver, CO
Roger is just one of hundreds of satisfied customers,
but really, I'm not asking you to believe Roger…I'm not
asking you to believe me! All I'm suggesting… is that
you give it a try.
To try the Heartburn and Acid Reflux Remedy Report
NOW, risk-free, click here:
Yours for drug-free & pain-free health,
Joe Barton
Maintain healthy, trouble-free digestion And Support health
and functioning throughout the entire digestive tract.
Unsubscribe or change contact details: http://www.bartonremedies.com/unsubscribe.html?x=a62e&m=RE8x&s=XGvdg&y=T&
Jorge U. Saguinsin
Angono, Rizal
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