Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Medicinal uses of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) -cheapcures

Live healthy and long

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide rank as two of the most popular home cures -  cheap cures.  In Its natural form, sodium bicarb is known as natron and used by ancient Egyptians for cleansing purposes.  In l846 Dr. Austin Wright and and John Dwight manufactured sodium bicarb and sold it in the form we know today.   The baking soda was popularized in l972 to keep food fresh in refs.

Baking soda has plenty of medicinal uses:

l.  Vs. colds and flu

2. Sports doping

3.  Removing splinters

4.  Deodorant

5. Read on other medicinal uses of sodium bicarbonate;

 also as household cleaner


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