Thursday, February 7, 2013

Find a Natural and Minimally Invasive Dentist

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola Articles | February 3, 2013

The idea is to save 80% of the future visit to the dentist.  The minimally invasive and natural dentist will find the hypocalcific area, and seal these with glass ionomer, thus saving the teeth and protecting it longer than the drill and fill methods.  The traditional method is to fill the the teeth crack with amalgam which is claimed to be silver.  It is actually mercury which is a heavy metal and toxic.

Other methods of preserving teeth and stopping decay:

l.  Eat probiotic food to remove acidity in the mouth (it is the acid that eats the calcium and cause decay.

2. Swishing with baking soda solution

3.  Oil pulling (Read more at Dr. Mercola articles)

The article comes with a video


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