Saturday, March 3, 2012

Soursop (Gravioli Fruit Seeds Tree) and Cancer Cure

Effective Cures Need Not be Expensive

Much interest has been shown on Gravioli (soursop) on cancer cure since l970.  It shown by evidences that fruit, leave bark extracts of the tree has been effective in l2 types of cancer.  Compared with chemotherapy, it the gravioli extract selectively attacks cancer cells and spare the normal ones.  There is no nausea nor hair loss or other SE associated with mainstream chemotherapy.  The Catholic University of South Korea claims that vs colon cancer, the soursop extract has l0,000 x the potency of Adriamycin, the drug used in chemotherapy.  Imagine that 10,000x.

Gavrioli was studied extnesively by Purdue University.  Its mechanism of action is that it produces Annonaceous acetinogens that selectively attacks malignant cancer cells.  (see the gavrioli website) with as little concentration of l ppm

However, taking the soursop should be metered because excess has SE similar to Parkinsonism.  There are plenty of fruits and trees of soursop.  Why are we not widely using it?  What are we waiting for?

Buzzle Com and Gavrioli related to Cancer Cure?

Usefultip for Life on Soursop as Alternative to Cancer Cheomotherapy

Hubpages on Soursop and Cancer Cure

Soursop Graviola site 


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