Repost from Health Cracker | August 20, 2013
The original post mentioned a brand of plastic container (but it could apply to other brand of plastic containers). But the most important part of the post is about the two chemicals present in such plastic containers and plastic wrappers: exposure to this type of phthlate: DEHP (di-2-ethylhexyphthlate) led to insulin resistance in chidren aged 12 to 19 (meaning exposure to DEHP led to diabetes in children) This was according to study of Dr. Leonardo Trasande associate professor of pediatrics and environmental medicine of NYU school of medicine.
In another study by Dra. Donna Eng of University of Michigan, the high level of BPA in children aged 6 to 18 found that children with high level of BPA had high body fat level as well.
l. Avoid plastic containers for school children "baon" especially those with recycling number 3, 6, 7 (according to Dr. Trasande)
2. Use paper bags instead (or banana leaves)
3. Do not microwave food in plastic containers even microwaveable ones.

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