Monday, May 20, 2013

Three sources of toxins and CVD - pollution from traffic, plastics, and personal care products

Live healthy and long

Repost from Dr. Mercola | May 15, 2013

Three sources of toxins in our body are:  pollution from traffic, plastics, and personal care products.  There are recent studies, as late as Feb 2013, in Euro Prevent conference in Rome which shows links between air pollution and aortic calcification.  The study involved 4,238 subjects and which showed:

l.  for every increase in volume of PM 2.5, there is a 20.7 increased risk of CVD;

2.  for every l00 meters proximity to traffic, there is a 10% increase in risk of getting a CVD

The other risks in plastic and home care products, involving parabens, phthlates, PCB, BPA, heavy metals in cosmetics have been previously discussed in this site.

Avoiding exposure to traffic, plastics, cosmetics, going natural, avoiding highly polluted cities are best way not to get CVD and prolong life


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