Saturday, July 27, 2013

Processed food may turn on your cancer switch

Live healthy and long

Repost from Dr. Mercola archives | July 17, 2013

This is the second time I reposted this topic

Processed and junk food may actually be devoid of nutrition  and potentially dangerous.  One such danger is acrylamide, a substance formed in high temperature cooking (beyond 212 F) in carbohydrate foods. Acrylamide is formed when sugar reacts with amino acid (asparagine) whether by frying, baking, roasting, grilling, toasting.  It is visible when there is a brown coating in the food and thus found in such food:

l.  Roasted coffee;

2.  Potatoes:  chips, french fries

3.  Grains - bread,  crust, toast, roasted breakfast cereal.

Grilled/roasted meat contain heterocyclic amines which is also linked to cancer.

Such toxic substances was the result of year long EU study known as HEATOX  (Heat Generated Food Toxicants) where 800 compounds were found as result of high temperature cooking;  52 of which are potential carcinogens

Thus it is best to eat normally cooked food, or even raw food to avoid exposure to these carcinogenic substances


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