Friday, July 26, 2013

Protect yourself from Sun's rays without commercial sun screen

Live healthy and long

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Sunshine, which helps you absorb Vit D has been vilified as source of skin cancer and we seek all sorts of protection with sunblock.  that contain harmful ingredients like:

parabens, octyl salicylate,  avobenzone, oxybenzone, clinoxate, padimate etc all toxic?)

Vit D on the other hand is useful to the body: 

1.  Support cardiovascular health;

2.  Promote optimal cholesterol level;

3.  Enhance muscle strength

4.  Promote optimal BP level.

5.  Support healthy kidney function

6.  Maintains healthy immune system

7.  Keeps your bones and teeth healthy and strong.

Use of sunscreen reduce body's ability to absorb Vit D by as much as 95% to 97%

You can stay or go to the beach during cool part of the day, wear clothing and hats, and/or use Mercolas sunscreen which do not contain the harmful chemicals in commercial sunscreens.  They contain lecithin, coconut oil, jojoba oil, eucalyptus oil, shea butter, beeswax,  aloe vera oil, and Vit E


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