Sunday, April 7, 2013

MTO can remove wrinkles and TMJD a growing trend.

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola archives | April 7, 2013 

A new technique - the orofacial myofunctional therapy may be the key to the treatment of many facial and head disorder that include TMJ (transmandibular joind disorder) - (my daughter has and has to undergo expensive treatment with orthodentist).  One of the pioneers of this is Joy Moeller.

MTO is "neuro muscular re education or repatterning of oral and facial muscles." It is a growing trend. 

Grinding and clenching your teeth is a sign you need MTO.Other are sleep apnea, snoring, neck pains, allergies.  One of the things you can do without going to MTO is lying on your back, and/or chewing your food well.  Better still contact an MTO expert (are there in the PHL?)


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